Warkworth Theatre is a local group of theatre enthusiasts, providing regular entertainment to the Mahurangi region of Auckland NZ.
We stage three productions each year at the Warkworth Town Hall. We also host free, open-to-the-public play readings, usually on the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm at Totara Park Hall, 5 Melwood Drive Warkworth.
We would love to hear from volunteers for front of house and backstage duties, as well as anyone interested in performing or directing. Other group activities you can join in with include workshops, social events and theatre excursions. New members are always welcome, in whatever capacity, so please come along or get in touch.
Founded in 1973, the aim of our organisation is to encourage participation in all aspects of amateur theatre in Warkworth and the Mahurangi region and to organise local theatre productions, workshops and seminars. We also aim to encourage and support training and skill development in Theatre and run regular courses to improve standards and theatrical knowledge.